Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Truett Graduates Preschool

Creative Kids Preschool had a small graduation ceremony for those kids who will be moving on to kindergarten later this year. Since Truett's school is so close, we rode our bikes up to the ceremony. It was really cute. Each kid wore a red graduation hat and was asked a few questions. And Truett's answers were not too surprising.
What is your favorite color? "Black" (truett does think he is a ninja)
What is your favorite part of school? "Playing outside"
What do you want to be when you grow up? "Motorcycle Driver" (truett does want me to die of a heart attack)
Anyway- it was pretty cute watching all the 5 year olds not really understanding what their parents where making them do. But I am proud of the little man, and hopefully we won't end up in the principal's office on the 1st day of school! ;-)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

School's Out for SUMMER!

2 mermaids and 1 lone merman

As summer is now here, we had to get out to JZ's lake house in Sandy Harbor for some fun in the water, sand and sun. The boys and I went out on Tuesday, and Robert joined us on Thursday. We also managed to have a farewell party for our friend Larry from Palau who is leaving St. David's to go work in San Antonio.

Of course we had to go the skate park in Marble Falls to get out of the water for a bit and spend some time on the concrete jungle. Truett just jumps right in with the older boys at the skate park, like he is a teenager or something.
We thought this was an actual turtle in the water until we were able to "catch" it and realized it was just a shell.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Owen's Tumbling Class

Owen had his last tumbling class and I tried to take a few pictures. (Truett is also in a kid's tumbling class, but I could not get any of those pictures to come out). Anyway, I think both boys really loved it-- we are just taking a break for the summer. But both have learned cartwheels, hand-stands, and flips (on the trampoline of course).

I am glad they have learned a little about stretching and being flexible because now that I am such an old lady, I want these boys to appreciate their flexibility while they have it! ;-)

Truett and Bella have a play date

Truett's BFF from preschool is a tiny girl named Bella. Truett invited her over for a playdate yesterday-- which ended up lasting for 4 hours. He was very sweet and planned a tea party for her. And said, "she drinks real tea mama, we have to make her real tea!" They went swimming, which was basically a show-off fest for Truett. Everything was "watch this Bella". I'm pretty sure I saw her rolling her eyes at some point-- but that could of just been me thinking out loud. But Truett did catch some sort of beetle and Bella looked at me and said, "I can not believe he just touches bugs." Must just be in our DNA that boys touch bugs and girls don't.

Truett even pulled out my old barbies for them to play with. Of course they played some make-believe about a Mom, Dad, and baby. It was all very cute to watch. I'm glad to see that Truett has this sensitive side!