Saturday, August 14, 2010

South Korea and More

Robert won't get on the blog to write about his trip to South Korea, so I thought I would take a picture of some of the food and candy items he brought back. He seemed to mostly dislike the customs of removing your shoes and sitting on the floor. But he didn't have to eat octopus or jellyfish or anything else too strange, which I was sort of hoping for. ;-)

Another trip to Sandy Harbor:
Well, Robert's job shipped him off to South Korea for 3 weeks and we were left to fend for ourselves. The boys stayed 2 weekends with Mimi--while I worked-- and then the boys went to Oklahoma for 1 week. (which was the 1st time they spent the night away from me or Robert)
Anyway- we filled our weeks with playdates, swimming and a week at JZ's lakehouse. It was hot summer fun.
And even Bailey got to enjoy Horseshoe Bay!

Notice the kids are the only people in the canoe. Thank goodness for Gwen, because she actually did the rowing that got the canoe down the water. Owen was in charge of "steering" the canoe which probably just created more drag for poor Gwen up front.


I bought these balsa wood buliding projects that the boys also wanted to paint, and here is how they turned out. I built the owl with Truett, and needless to say, there was a couple of pieces left over--which there should not be--because I got frustrated with putting all the "feather"pieces together. And Robert helped Owen build the house-- after I had started the project and gave up once it got to the staircase. I just don't have the patience for those tedious little models.

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