Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pioneer Farm 1st grade Field Trip

The first grade field trip this year was to Pioneer Farms. It is a place where you can get a look at how people lived in the 1850's. Here the class is actually learning about a piece of stone that was carved into a tool for cutting. There was a one room cabin where a family of 13 kids lived, and when Owen learned that the boy children slept on the front porch, he was dumbfounded. There was a blacksmith and a farmer, and even kids running around as they would have 150 years ago. Of course there was no T.V. or computers, and that seemed to bother Owen the most.

Being nice to a barn cat.

Here is the class next to the smokehouse. Owen said, "So that is the place you go to smoke?"

Owen, Joseph, and Nick goofing around.

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