Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Truett and We Will Rock You

Here is Truett singing along with his head phones on to We Will Rock You.

I have enjoyed getting to spend time with just Truett while Owen has been at school. Truett is chattering up a storm, and having entire conversations with me. We were on our way to his school today, and he asked, "How did Santa know I like pink bubble gum?" And before I could answer him, he asked, "Is Santa really little?" So I asked-- why?--and Truett said, "Because he works with all those little elves, he must be little too." My only answer was that it all works by magic.

Then of course Owen is headed in another direction. He informed me that his penis tells him what to do (what a man already, huh?). What he went on to say was-- that when he swings really high on the swing, his penis "tingles" so he knows to stop swinging so high. My guess is... this is just the begining!

There are so many funny things they say, I hope I can remember some of them to perhaps use to embarass them when they are teenagers! ;-)

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